November 21, 2008

My Due Date Was Yesterday

So this little snap shot happened with my phone and the bathroom mirror. Still pregnant, and one day after my official due date. I had a large complaint from my younger sister yesterday- for not posting more pregnant pics... I had to explain that I lost my camera this summer. It has been very sad not to take pictures of everything going on. I do love taking pictures.
As for a report on delivery... I am to be induced next Wednesday if this little bugger doesn't decide to come out on his own. and i am really looking forward to Thanksgiving in the hospital.....not so much. Really i can't complain, I've heard that most women are dying to get their baby out of them at this point. i am excited to meet him, but I am not in any uncomfortable or unbearable pain...though I am looking forward to sleeping on my stomach again.

My boss at work keeps hoping 'for one more day' everyday...I told him not to schedule much, but he can't help it. We have two more jobs that need to be out on Monday. I told him good luck with those, i am planning to have a baby this weekend.

I guess I just have to wait and see!


Heather said...

Hooray for preggo pics!
You look so skinny!! (well.....except for your HUGE buddah belly!)

Come out come out little Ira! We want to play!!

Kirsti said...

You look beautiful! Hottest pregnant lady I've ever seen!

Mike Laughead said...

I'm gonna have to agree with your 2 friends here, pregnancy suits you. Plus your hair looks really good as well. Candace and I are super pumped for you. It's totally crazy and totally worth it. I hope the delivery goes easy. Is your hubby going to be in the room with you?